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8 Gentle Yoga postures for beginners to do at home

Maybe you're here because your Doctor has suggested you take up Yoga or perhaps you've struggled to get your socks on recently. Whatever the reason, although Yoga is beneficial for keeping the body mobile, it can be really mind-boggling keeping up in a class environment. Especially if there are fancy sequences to wrap your head round (or should I say leg!). What you need are simple, gentle, postures to get you started. Scroll down below and let's get started, you don't even need a Yoga mat.


Tip: Come into the poses slowly, hold the posture, then take an long & slow inhale and exhale. Repeat as necessary and use the breathing suggestions below as a guide. Slowly come out of the posture and avoid if you experince any discomfort. Always seek guidance from your GP before starting any new exercises.

1. Apasana (wind relieving pose)

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Yes, this pose does translate to wind relieving pose. Bringing the knees into towards the chest provides a little internal massage, which can help to 'get things moving' and soothe a bloated belly. 

Try holding this for 3 breaths and don't forget to relax your shoulders.

2. Happy Baby Pose

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Let your knees bend out to your sides, wider than shoulder width if that's comfortable. If you can't hold your feet, hold your hamstrings or knees instead. Not the most attractive pose but still an absolute essential for releasing a tight lower spine.

Try holding this pose for 3 breaths and let your lower back relax into the floor.

3. Bound Angle Pose

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I prefer my feet further away from me compared to the classic/traditional pose. That's because my hips feel uncomfortable with the heels drawn too close to my body. Use cushions underneath your legs if you need more support. 

Try holding this pose for 3-4 breaths.

4. Seated Twist (R)

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If possible, sit crossed legged and let your hands guide you into this twist. Exhale on the twist and relax your shouders as you turn. This pose can also be done on a chair. 

Try holding this pose for 2 breaths.

5. Seated Twist (L)

Namas YogaSeated twists beginners solihull classes 1.jpg

The same suggestions apply as Pose 4. You can sit on a Yoga block to help elevate the spine, if you feel tight in your lower to mid spine. 

Try holding this pose for 2 breaths.

6. Seated Foward Fold (mild)

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This can be a challenging pose if you work long hours at a desk so take it slow and don't put pressure on yourself to touch your toes. This pose also helps to engage the legs and work on your seated posture. 

Try holding this pose for 3 breaths and sit on a cushion should you feel tightness in your lower spine.

7. Seated Foward Fold (deep)

Namas Yoga Seated deep fold beginners solihull classes 1.jpg

This is a deeper Forward Fold demonstrated. Everyone's fold will look slightly different, as we are all different! You can use a Yoga strap to help you but I personally like resting the hands by the legs. Once your in the pose, relax and be patient.

Try holding this pose for 3 breaths and sit on a cushion should you feel tightness in your lower spine.

8. Cow Pose

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Cow Pose usually gets paired with Cat Stretch, you'll hear teachers often say: Cat and Cow Pose. They are two completely different postures, hence why I have separated them for you. Cow pose works on extension of the spine, stretches the abdomen and mobilizes the neck and shoulders.,

Try holding this pose for 2 breaths and push away the floor.

9. Cat Stretch

Namas Yoga Cat stretchpose beginners solihull classes 1.jpg

Cat Pose helps to broaden the shoulders, stretches the back of the neck and lengthen the lower spine. 

Try holding this pose for 2 breaths and push away the floor. When you feels ready, slowly do Cat & Cow pose for 2 - 3 rounds, building up to more when you are ready.

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