What if Yoga isn't suitable for me?
When I meet someone who I feel wouldn’t benefit from Yoga, I am honest and will say so. There are times I will recommend another specialist if I think they will be of help. This doesn't mean Yoga isn't for you, there maybe certain areas that needs addressing first before starting Yoga.
I'm not very flexible, can I do Yoga anyways?
YES! If you were already flexible and/or pain-free, I'm guessing you'd never think about doing Yoga. You'd be amazed how many people start Yoga due to experiencing acute and chronic aches and pain. It's not a quick fix but the Yoga postures and sequences help you learn HOW to carry your body efficently, thus reducing the aches and pains, and prevent further injury.
What are the benefits of Yoga?
Yoga holds many benefits, physically, mentally and spiritually. Many athletes do Yoga as part of their weekly routine as it aids in their recovery from strenuous activity. You don't have to be an active person to be interested in Yoga, many people that have sedentary jobs or recovering from illness/surgery are drawn to doing Yoga for its many health benefits.
Physically, it can create a strong, flexible, toned body; improves breathing, metabolism, posture, digestion and energy levels.
Mentally, it can help you to slow down, relax, feel calmer, more focussed, handle stress better and make a stronger connection to yourself when life is fast paced.
Spritually, Yoga can teach you to be more mindful and aware of yourself and your environment. This awareness helps us to be more present and kinder to ourselves. When life feels busy or out of control, we become more tense and reach for certain foods or drinks that can affect our sleep patterns, self-esteem, poor posture, mobility, mood, appetite, stress levels, the list goes on! There is so much that Yoga has to offer and each person that you speak to about Yoga, will tell you their story and what it did for them.
DO you
YES! If you were already flexible and/or pain-free, I'm guessing you'd never think about doing Yoga. You'd be amazed how many people start Yoga due to experiencing acute and chronic aches and pain. It's not a quick fix but the Yoga postures and sequences help you learn HOW to carry your body efficently, thus reducing the aches and pains, and prevent further injury.